Unioncamere says more young entrepreneurs open businesses

Unioncamere says more young entrepreneurs open businesses (ANSA) – Rome, October 28 – More young Italians are creating their own jobs by becoming entrepreneurs, with almost 100,000 new companies established by Italians younger than 35 in the first nine months of this year, according to a report released Monday.

Unioncamere said that between January and September 2013, almost 300,000 companies were established in Italy and 33.9% of those – 100,321 firms – were founded by one or more young adults under 35.

The vast majority of these new businesses – almost 77% – were reported to have just one employer-owner, according to the numbers released during the Assembly of Unioncamere in Genoa.

The data suggest that many Italians do not want to leave their homeland to find work abroad, but want to invest in their country’s future, said a leader of Unioncamere, representing chambers of commerce in Italy. .

“There is a generation of young people who do not resign themselves to leave Italy (in order) to build a future,” said Unioncamere head Ferruccio Dardanello.

“(They) roll up their sleeves and look with courage to tomorrow”.

But to survive, entrepreneurs need governments to create the conditions for business to expand and thrive, he added.

“To support them, we must give them a more modern country…more digitized, more efficient and therefore more credible and capable of attracting intelligence and investment”.

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