Tag Archives: ecosystems
Climate change paper research carbon uptake in ecosystems
A new report delves into one of many nice uncertainties in predicting future local weather: carbon uptake in ecosystems. Geology News — ScienceDaily
Tiny ‘vampires’: Paleobiologist finds evidence of predation in ancient microbial ecosystems
A paleobiologist has found evidence of predation in ancient microbial ecosystems dating back more than 740 million years. Using a scanning electron microscope to examine minute fossils, Porter found perfectly circular drill holes that may have been formed by an … Continue reading
Ancient global cooling gave rise to modern ecosystems
Sea surface temperatures dipped dramatically during a period from 7 million to 5.4 million years ago, a time of massive global ecological change, scientists have discovered. Geology News — ScienceDaily
Ancient global cooling gave rise to modern ecosystems
Sea surface temperatures dipped dramatically during a period from 7 million to 5.4 million years ago, a time of massive global ecological change, scientists have discovered. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily
Browsing antelope turned ancient African forests into grassy savanna ecosystems
Millions of years ago, Africa’s savannas were covered with thick, ancient forests, which disappeared and turned into the grassy ecosystems that they are today. read more (e) Science News – Paleontology & Archaeology
Tiny ‘vampires’: Paleobiologist finds evidence of predation in ancient microbial ecosystems
A paleobiologist has found evidence of predation in ancient microbial ecosystems dating back more than 740 million years. Using a scanning electron microscope to examine minute fossils, Porter found perfectly circular drill holes that may have been formed by an … Continue reading
Earth’s first ecosystems were more complex than previously thought, study finds
Computer simulations have allowed scientists to work out how a puzzling 555-million-year-old organism with no known modern relatives fed, revealing that some of the first large, complex organisms on Earth formed ecosystems that were much more complex than previously thought. … Continue reading
Earth’s first ecosystems were more complex than previously thought
Image of a computer simulation of water flow around a 3-D model of Tribrachidium The international team of researchers from Canada, the UK and the USA, including Dr Imran Rahman from the University of Bristol, UK studied fossils of an … Continue reading
Earth’s first ecosystems were more complex than previously thought, study finds
Computer simulations have allowed scientists to work out how a puzzling 555-million-year-old organism with no known modern relatives fed, revealing that some of the first large, complex organisms on Earth formed ecosystems that were much more complex than previously thought. … Continue reading
Large, violent animal packs shaped the ecosystems of the Pleistocene epoch
Intense, violent attacks by large packs of some of the world’s biggest carnivores — including extinct lions much larger than those of today, and sabertooth cats — limited the population sizes of mammoths, mastodons and other species, and prevented widespread … Continue reading