IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-b22e562c88279d44983e0ff18038eb78.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Senate admitted as civil plaintiff in Berlusconi trial” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-b22e562c88279d44983e0ff18038eb78.jpg” (ANSA) – Naples, February 26 – A Naples court on Wednesday granted a request from the Italian Senate to be admitted as a civil plaintiff … Continue reading
IMG class=hide alt=”Senate becomes civil plaintiff in Berlusconi trial” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-db4477a04cdcc4b9ee1ba28c4d2b2f75.jpg” (ANSA) – Naples, February 26 – A Naples court on Wednesday granted a request from the Italian Senate to be admitted as a civil plaintiff in a criminal trial into … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Rome, November 27 – Civil protection chief Franco Gabrielli on Wednesday told a Lower House hearing that the extreme weather alert system worked, but people died anyway due to poor planning. Gabrielli was summoned to answer for the … Continue reading
(ANSA) – L’Aquila, October 10 – Italy’s Civil Protection chief Franco Gabrielli on Thursday said, ”Italy is going to pieces” due to hydrogeological instability. Speaking at the Water Festival in the city of l’Aquila, which was hit by a devastating … Continue reading