P(ANSA) Ancona, May 5 – Firefighters on Monday were mopping up hundreds of basements, garages and hotel kitchens flooded during freak weather that hit the Marche resort of Senigallia last week-end, killing two people.BRMarche Regional Governor Gian Mario Spacca wrote … Continue reading
(By Emily Backus). (ANSA) – Rome, December 9 – Hundreds of striking truckers joined the so-called Pitchfork (Forconi) Movement on Monday to block or slow transportation in a number of cities in Italy.So far the effect has been less paralysing … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Grosetto, November 26 – Staff on the stricken Costa Concordia cruise ship were given only a 10-minute warning to escape before sea water would force them out, a courtroom heard Tuesday. Fiorella Silvana Panetti, a crew member on … Continue reading
(By Paul Virgo) (ANSA) – Rome, October 25 – Silvio Berlusconi’s People of Freedom (PdL) party again looked on the brink of splitting Friday, with possible consequences for Premier Enrico Letta’s grand-coalition government. Pro-government doves won a big tussle with … Continue reading