P(ANSA) – Rome, April 15 – Gadlfy comedian-turned-politician Beppe Grillo on Tuesday blamed the press for painting him as an anti-Semite, after he outraged Jewish leaders on Monday with a blog post in which he borrowed from a classic Holocaust … Continue reading
IMG class=hide alt=”Grillo blames Italy’s woes on state broadcaster RAI” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-17e5ee0fb6459f79713aba493380453a.jpg” (see related) (ANSA) – Sanremo, February 18 – Anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Beppe Grillo blamed Italy’s “political and economic disaster” on State radio and television broadcaster RAI. POn … Continue reading
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-473136e78deb07c7c57a4e380a8f60c8.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Boldrini blames threats on ‘overheated’ politics” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-473136e78deb07c7c57a4e380a8f60c8.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 7 – House Speaker Laura Boldrini on Friday blamed an “overheated” political climate for recent threats against her that included a bullet in … Continue reading
(ANSA) – Rome, November 27 – Civil protection chief Franco Gabrielli on Wednesday told a Lower House hearing that the extreme weather alert system worked, but people died anyway due to poor planning. Gabrielli was summoned to answer for the … Continue reading