IMG class=hide alt=”Senate approves bill for gender equality in EP elections” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-093b84bd5e54f62f91d73cb0356ab1fb.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 20 – The Senate on Thursday approved a bill that will ensure gender equality in the lists of candidates for European elections in Italy. PThe measure, which now moves to the Lower House, will not take effect for this May’s vote to select new representatives in the European Parliament, but for the elections after that, which are set to take place in 2019./PPThe bill is the result of a deal between Premier Matteo Renzi’s centre-left Democratic Party (PD), its junior partner in government, the New Centre Right (NCD), and Silvio Berlusconi’s opposition centre-right Forza Italia (FI) party./PPIt passed in the Senate with 157 votes in favour, 34 against and 23 abstentions./PPA series of amendments to ensure gender equality to a separate bill for a new system for Italian general elections were rejected before it cleared the Lower House earlier this month./PPRenzi has said it may be possible to return to the issue of introducing minimum quotas for women MPs during the election bill’s passage through the Senate./PPThe amendments were rejected after FI said it was against the so-called “pink quotas” as it considered them unconstitutional – even though many women centre-right lawmakers were in favour./PPThat bill was the result of a deal that Renzi struck with Berlusconi before he became premier last month and the agreement risked breaking down if the amendments had gone through./P
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