IMG class=hide alt=”Italy’s new defense minister to raise marines case at NATO” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-f727f569a3bf848f3dfb5ce4d4a8970b.jpg” (ANSA) – Brussels, February 25 – Newly appointed Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti will raise the issue of two Italian marines facing charges in India at a meeting of NATO defense ministers Wednesday and Thursday, the ministry made known Tuesday. PMassimiliano Girone and Salvatore Latorre are facing trial in India for allegedly killing two Indian fishermen during an anti-piracy mission in 2012./PPPremier Matteo Renzi has said bringing the marines home is a priority for his new government, arguing they have been in India ”too long” and describing the affair as ”absurd”./PPProsecutors in New Delhi on Monday told the supreme court that they were in favor of dropping a request for the marines to be prosecuted under an anti-terrorism and anti-piracy law./PPThe possible application of the anti-terrorism law in this case caused major diplomatic tensions between the two nations, with Rome saying it equated Italy to a terrorist State./P
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