Five French

Five French ‘Block Block’ militants stopped in Rome (ANSA) – Rome, October 18 – Five French nationals stopped by police in Rome during security checks in the lead up to two days of protests in the Italian capital are members of the so-called Black Block movement, a group of hooded militants that have provoked unrest across other European nations in past years, according to authorities. Two of the five are currently being investigated in France for terrorism acts, whilst another two have already been flagged in the past as participants the No-Tav protest movement events in Northern Italy in protest over a plan for a high-speed rail link between Italy and France. Rome residents are bracing themselves for two days of strikes and protests some fear could revive memories of the Italian capital’s worst street violence in years, exactly two years ago. Aside from the reported ‘Black Block’ influence, militant grass-roots unions called COBAS are also planning a march against government austerity policies and for jobs through Rome Friday, with police coming out in force – more than 4,000 in all – to squash attempted violence. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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