Augustus exhibit in Paris to fete 2,000 years since death
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Augustus exhibit in Paris to fete 2,000 years since death” src=”” (ANSA) – Paris, March 18 – The critically acclaimed exhibition on Roman Emperor Augustus that recently closed in Rome will soon make its way to the French capital’s Grand Palais as part of celebrations for the 2,000th anniversary of his death on August 19 in 14 AD. An extra 100 works and a new exhibition route will be added to the exhibition ‘Moi, Auguste, Empereur de Rome’, which opens Wednesday and runs through July 13. The show is the brainchild of former superintendent Eugenio La Rocca, who curated it with the assistance of Claudio Parisi Presicce and Annalisa Lo Monaco, in close collaboration with the French curators of the Louvre museum, Cecile Giroire and Daniel Roger, and includes 357 works, with exceptional loans from some of the world’s most important museums. The exhibition shows the unstoppable rise of Augustus: the principality years, the reforms of crucial importance for the centuries to come, and the emergence of new aesthetic languages. PThere are statues, portraits, and home furnishings in bronze, silver and glass, gold and jewels. One of the centerpieces is a bronze equestrian statue from the Athens Museum, a portrait from the British Museum, the busts of Augustus and his numerous relatives, his wife Livia, and sister Octavia, as well as reliefs and decorative art pieces. “This is a joint project between the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, Scuderie del Quirinale and Musei Capitolini di Roma, in collaboration with the Reunion des Musees Nationaux, il Grand Palais and the Louvre,” Cecile Giroire, from the Louvre’s Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities Department, told ANSA. “The list of the works from Rome and Paris is more or less the same, and the most important loans have been kept, but in the French capital we went on to develop some additional aspects”./PPThere is a section on Rome in the era of Augustus with the urban development of the city, as well as a larger one on the provinces, with the integration of a Gaul represented by funerary decorations, trophies and portraits. “In Paris we have about a hundred more works,” Giroire said, “that are for the two new sections and to complete the sections presented in Rome”./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED